• Review materials provided in Board packets posted to the website monthly.
• Board of Trustees meet twice monthly:
Work Sessions are held the week before the Regular Session at 2:00 p.m. at the Rawlings Library.
• Provides an opportunity for Board members to review matters requiring Board action
• Gives staff an opportunity to incorporate recommendations prior to action at Regular Sessions
• Formal action is not taken during Work Sessions
Regular Sessions are usually held the 4th Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
• Ensure that the library has the resources it needs and is well positioned to deliver excellent services to the community.
• Regular work involves:
Reviewing and approving budget and financial statements
Communicating with the Executive Director
Staying informed of changes within the library
Approving policies guiding library operations
• Additional duties include:
Providing input on annual and strategic planning
Serving as an advocate for the library
Attending as many major PCCLD events as possible
Attending at least one state, national or other library trustee development program annually
For more information, contact:
Sherri Baca, Executive Director