
Federal Tax Resources


Federal 1040 AND 1040SR Instruction Book

IRS official booklet(s) for the 2024 Tax Year.


Federal Tax Form Instruction Booklet


Publication 17 Booklet- This covers the general rules for filing federal income tax returns. It supplements the information contained in your federal income tax form instruction booklet. This publication explains the tax law to make sure you pay only what you owe and no more. 






Accessible Forms and Publications-Forms for people with disabilities: 


Tax Forms in the Library

  • PCCLD receives limited quantities of paper tax forms and booklets, and they are available inside the libraries while supplies last. WE WILL RECEIVE TAX BOOKLETS AND FORMS IN LATE JANUARY/ EARLY FEBRUARY 2025.
  • Forms and instructions can be printed from public computers. Ask the desk for more information.
  • Library staff are NOT able to offer tax advice, and tax preparation help.


You can pick up Federal 1040 tax forms and booklets at all of our Library locations while supplies last. (In English and in Spanish). 

Below are some options for looking at or printing Federal Tax forms and Booklets at the Library. 



  1. If you would like to print out a Federal Tax booklet at the library, please see desk staff and they can help you print forms and booklets OR log onto a computer and print forms yourself (see links below).
  • All black and white prints and copies are $.10 (ten cents) a page
  • First 10 pages of Tax related forms are FREE. (see desk staff  BEFORE you print). 

Below are some options for ORDERING Federal Tax Forms and Instruction booklets through the U.S. Postal Service via the IRS.



  • CLICK THIS LINK TO PLACE AN ORDER ONLINE THROUGH THE IRS. Follow the instructions on the website, and the IRS will mail forms to you through the U.S. Postal Service.
  • Order by phone at 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676)












Colorado Income Tax Resources          


Colorado 104 Book

Colorado Individual Income Tax Filing Guide for Full-Year, and Part-Year residents, and Nonresident Individuals.




Link to CO Tax forms: 


CO Child Care Expenses and Early Childhood Educator Credit

Instructions and forms:


Colorado Family Affordability Tax Credit

Qualifying resident individuals can claim a refundable family affordability tax credit for tax year 2024. Income restrictions apply in determining eligibility for the credit. The credit is allowed only for eligible children under the age of 17. Click on the link to more information from the Colorado Department of Revenue


Colorado 104PTC Book

Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heart Rebate Filing Guide.




Information about TABOR Refund: 


Colorado Department of Revenue Contact information: 

Website LINK

Colorado Department of Revenue

Section or Employee Name and Room Number

P.O. Box 17087

Denver, CO 80217-0087



CO taxpayer help line: (303) 238-7378 TTY: (800) 659-2656

Voice telephone for the hearing impaired: (800) 659-3656

Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm


Colorado LEAP program (Low-Income Energy Assistance Program: 

Click this LINK for more information and application. 


  • The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible hard-working Colorado families, seniors and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs. Our goal is to help bring warmth, comfort and safety to your home and family by assisting with heating costs.
  • The LEAP program works to keep our communities warm during the winter (November through April) by providing assistance with heating costs, equipment repair and/or replacement of inoperable heating tools. While the program is not intended to pay the entire cost of home heating, we aim to help alleviate some of the burdens that come with Colorado's colder months.
  • In most cases, the energy assistance benefit is paid directly to the household energy supplier. In most cases, if you are approved for LEAP, payments are made directly to your primary heating fuel vendor and a notice will be sent to you informing you of the benefit amount. Other benefits provided by LEAP include repair or replacement of a home’s primary heating system, such as a furnace or wood-burning stove. The program does not provide financial assistance for any type of temporary or portable heating.
  • If your income is up to 60% of the state median income level, you may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. The state median income level used for the 2023-24 LEAP season was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in July 2023. The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the primary heating fuel costs and income.
  • The Colorado LEAP program is federally funded. If you received your LEAP application in the mail, please use the return envelope included to submit your application. Otherwise, please contact 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to find the address of your county contact

Colorado LEAP program (Low-Income Energy Assistance Program:

Click here for more information and application.

  • The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible hard-working Colorado families, seniors and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs. Our goal is to help bring warmth, comfort and safety to your home and family by assisting with heating costs.
  • The LEAP program works to keep our communities warm during the winter (November through April) by providing assistance with heating costs, equipment repair and/or replacement of inoperable heating tools. While the program is not intended to pay the entire cost of home heating, we aim to help alleviate some of the burdens that come with Colorado's colder months.
  • In most cases, the energy assistance benefit is paid directly to the household energy supplier. In most cases, if you are approved for LEAP, payments are made directly to your primary heating fuel vendor and a notice will be sent to you informing you of the benefit amount. Other benefits provided by LEAP include repair or replacement of a home’s primary heating system, such as a furnace or wood-burning stove. The program does not provide financial assistance for any type of temporary or portable heating.
  • If your income is up to 60% of the state median income level, you may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. The state median income level used for the 2023-24 LEAP season was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in July 2023. The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the primary heating fuel costs and income.
  • The Colorado LEAP program is federally funded. If you received your LEAP application in the mail, please use the return envelope included to submit your application. Otherwise, please contact 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to find the address of your county contact.






vita tax logo









Other Tax Resources for Filing


  1. Pueblo Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
  • CALL (719) 255-8580
  • Household Annual Income $65,000 or below
  • Dates/Times/Locations-SEE BELOW

2. Get Ahead Colorado 

  • Helps Colorado families and individuals connect to FREE tax filing services so that you can claim the tax credits you are eligible for.
  • Free do-it-yourself online filing, free virtual remote filing with help, or free in-person filing at a VITA site.
  • Will also help you find resources if you DO NOT qualify for VITA.
  • English Website:
  • Spanish Website:

3. AARP Foundation Tax Aide - 230 N. Union Ave, Pueblo Co, 81003. (719) 924-8662 

  • Must call 2-1-1 to make an appointment with AARP Pueblo location for tax preparation. 

4. Colorado Taxpayer Service Centers

  • Taxpayer Service Centers are open for in-person visits with masks required. Schedule an in-person appointment online for a  center near you. 

5. Tax Help Colorado

  • Tax Help Colorado offers FREE tax preparation assistance in English and Spanish for qualified individuals and families. Visit the website to find a location and book an appointment near you.
  • Take a short questionnaire to see if you qualify. 

6. My Free Taxes

  • Qualified taxpayers can prepare their own simple returns online for FREE with telephone and chat support from trained volunteers from United Way. 

7. 211 Colorado Tax Assistance

  • Call 211 or go to the link to see resources about Free Filing assistance, and Tax credit information. 

8. IRS Free File

  • The IRS offers free e-filing of federal returns for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes under $72,000. The Free File fillable forms are available to all taxpayers regardless of income for use in lieu of paper forms. 

9. TaxHelp Colorado at Pueblo Community College

  • Free income tax preparation is available at Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Ave. Those who had a 2024 household income of less than $65,000 can have their return completed by IRS-certified tax preparers.
  • For information and to schedule appointments, go to or call 719-549-3200.