DATABASES | Cooking & Food

You will need your Library card and PIN to access many of these resources.
The Niche Academy has helpful tutorials for some of these databases. See ALL TUTORIALS tab to the right to access. Call us at 719.562.5600 if you need assistance.
The resources are listed alphabetically or you may choose to conduct a search in the one of the boxes below.
  • A to Z World Food

    AtoZ World Food is a comprehensive database of recipes and food culture articles for 174 countries. Think of it as a world cookbook for 174 countries, although it’s much more. People have been connecting with other cultures through food for thousands of years. Knowledge of local food and food culture is a fun, exciting, and essential ingredient in understanding people of another country.

    Visit A to Z World Food

    Partner this database with the PCCLD Spice Library at our Patrick A. Lucero location and create some amazing dishes!


  • Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
    Hobbies & Crafts is your go to source for more than 1,800 magazines and books on your favorite crafts and pastimes.
    It also hosts over 720 how to vidoes, 180 full text hobby profiles and 13,000 plus full text receipes for your cooking pleasure.
    Access to this service only requires a valid Pueblo City County Library District Library card.