The Best of 2021 - Staff Favorites

Favorite Resources

Stay entertained and informed with the world’s largest catalogue of digital magazines and newspapers delivered directly to your devices. Instantly access 7,000 titles in more than 60 languages when you download the cloudLibrary NewsStand app. See details on our DigitalLibrary page.
In partnership between the Library District and Pueblo Zoo, this program was established to ensure that all Puebloans, regardless of ability to pay, have access to discover and enjoy the Pueblo Zoo.  
In partnership between the Library District, the Colorado State Library, and the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, this program provides a unique outdoor learning experience for library patrons. The goal of the program is to provide residents an opportunity to explore a state park before purchasing a park pass, and the hope is that they will enjoy the experience so much they'll want to purchase their own park pass.


Favorite Books

View the full catalog list HERE.

or browse through the carousel below: